AXPONA 2024 Recap!

Florida Audio show graphic

We had another great year at AXPONA!!

Wow what a spectacular event! We had an incredible time this year at AXPONA, connecting with countless audiophiles and audio professionals. We want to express our gratitude to our amazing Dealers, whose top-notch audio gear and components made the entire experience unforgettable. We're so grateful for their partnership and dedication to pushing the boundaries of audio excellence. With several new products and flagship headphones our booth was a hit!

A big shoutout to Part-Time Audiophile for their incredible coverage of our booth and several new products we debuted at AXPONA! Thank you for showing some love to our company and chatting with our CEO and Founder, Drew Baird, P.E.

Moon Audio Debuts New Products at AXPONA 2024

By: Part-Time Audiophile

AXPONA Show Stoppers

Auris Audio Headonia 300B Tube Headphone Amplifier

A drum roll for the AXPONA Show Stopper: The Auris Audio Headonia 300B Tube Headphone Amplifier. We want to give a special thanks to Auris's CEO Miki Trosic for getting two Headonia units to us to debut at AXPONA. The first two units, which were displayed at our booth, are unique in that the leather sidings mimic that of snake or gator skin. A really cool-looking unit.

The amount of gain on this tube amp is incredible. It's a beast. All weekend we paired it with the notoriously power-hungry HiFiMan SUSVARA Headphones and it drove them like it was nothing. It will drive just about any headphone out there. The Headonia 300B Tube Amp uses 6SN7 tubes, which is the primary tubes used in our Dragon Inspire IHA-1 Tube Headphone Amplifier! It also has a pair of 300B tubes.

We're planning to expand our collection of 300B products here at Moon Audio so be on the lookout for those products as they start rolling in. In addition, we've added KR Audio 300B tubes to our collection to give customers a second choice in tubes if they want a different flavor than the EAT 300B tubes we currently carry.

"To say that myself and all of the Moon Audio team at AXPONA were simply floored by the Auris Headonia is an understatement. I immediately claimed the demo unit for myself and Jose (Moon Audio Customer Support Specialist) followed suit shortly and decided he had to have one too :) We just got our gear back from the show and I'm itching to go unpack this beautiful piece and start tube rolling," said Drew Baird, P.E., Moon Audio CEO & Founder.

"For me this amp is an end-game dynamic headphone amplifier and heck, why not a preamp to boot?! It was the highlight of the show for us and so many of our customers. There is no headphone that won't sound glorious on this amplifier."

dCS Lina Full System with the HRS EXRH Headphone Stand System

We absolutely love dCS and HRS Stands so this pairing was a match made in heaven. The dCS Lina Full System is an eye catcher on its own, and when paired with the EXRH Headphone Stand System from HRS— it turned heads.

The dCS Lina Full System is a dream setup and just about every person who visited our booth stopped to give it a listen. A lot of people expressed interest in the HRS stand, from its look to isolation and noise damping technologies. In fact, we had a guest ask if they could purchase our demo unit! Drew kept telling customers that if a nuclear bomb exploded outside of AXPONA, rest assured we'd still be able to listen to the Lina Full System thanks to the HRS Stands. Save to say this setup was an AXPONA Show Stopper.

"The HRS EXRH Headphone Stand System will stomp out any possible vibration!! Built like a M1 Abrams Tank. The precision of construction on the HRS Stands and dCS Lina units can only be seen in person. Best equipment racks in the business," said Drew Baird, P.E.

New Product Mentions

We showcased several new products at our booth this year at AXPONA. Meze Audio released two new headphones within the last six months as well as Dan Clark Audio. We also recently picked up RME Audio as a new brand to our collection, adding their ADI line of AD/DA Converters. These new products garnered lots of excitement within the audiophile community so it was great to see many people listen and test out these products for the first time.

Audio Gear

Gear Available for Purchase

We brought a variety of purchasable gear to AXPONA so customers could go home that same day with their new swag. The Astell&Kern SP3000 DAP Music Player was our biggest seller! We had several happy customers walk away with a brand new DAP.


Dragon Audio Cables

We're always excited to showcase our Dragon Audio Cables and our Black Dragon Premium Headphone Cable was the top-seller!

Guests were able to test out our Silver Dragon, Black Dragon, and Blue Dragon Premium Headphone Cables in action, granting them an opportunity to hear the sonic difference between the three cable lines. Each headphone we brought to AXPONA was matched with the Dragon Cable we feel truly lets it shine, and we encouraged listeners to evaluate the paring, swap out cables, and let us know their take.

Guests also got to see our digital cables in action — From our Silver Dragon USB Cable to the Bronze Dragon Interconnects. It was the perfect opportunity to pick the brain of our Lead Engineer Darrell Shotwell on how each Dragon Audio Cable plays an important role in the signal chain and why these cables truly make a difference.

Why Dragon Audio Cables?

You’ve heard the saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, right? Well, the same applies to your brand-new audiophile-grade headphone or other audio components. The weakest link, in this case, is your stock cable or the cheap interconnects the manufacturer threw in the box just to get you up and running. Why is the cable always an afterthought, when it’s just as important as the rest of your system? At Moon Audio, we use the best raw materials in our cables to unveil your music. We believe the materials matter and your audio cables should have the same care and craftsmanship that manufacturers put into their audio components and headphones. Audio cables are ultimately the connection to your music. The fact remains that cabling is often considered the last priority to that of the main product and a means to cut down the overall production costs. It’s as simple as that.

Moon Audio Dragon Audio Cables Logo

Booth 8101 Signal Chain

Check out our Dragon Audio Cables in action! In Booth 8101 we showcased several audio system setups exclusively using our Dragon Audio Cables:

Matrix Audio Element S Music Streamer > Chord Hugo M Scaler > Chord Hugo TT 2 DAC & Headphone Amplifier

Aurender A200 Caching Network Server > Pass Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier

TEAC CG-10M Master Clock Generator > Esoteric N-05XD Headphone Amplifier, USB DAC & Network Player

TEAC CG-10M Master Clock Generator > TEAC UD-701N Headphone Amplifier, USB DAC & Network Player

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Cayla Menges

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" - Benjamin Franklin

For Cayla Menges, combining her passion for writing and love for music is the perfect recipe. Cayla uses her love for storytelling and experience as a former newspaper journalist to create content that informs and resonates with music lovers and audiophiles alike. When she's not at Moon Audio, Cayla enjoys bingeing reality TV, knitting, trying her hand at new recipes, traveling and spending time with family and friends.