Moon Audio Dragon cables have different characteristics. When selecting a Dragon headphone cable it is first important to consider the sound you looking for.
You might either be looking for a more analytical, audiophile sound or a fun, bass enhanced sound.
We offer two Dragon IEM cables to fit your JH Audio IEMs. Depending on your choice, you can customize the sound of your IEMs to your sweet spot.
Silver Dragon
The Silver Dragon is our top of the line IEM headphone cable. Our Silver Dragon IEM Headphone Cable V1 has won multiple awards including TAS Editor's Choice Award and PFO's Writer's Choice Award.
The Silver Dragon offers more clarity, instrumentation and musicality. The soundstage and presentation is opened wider for a more spacious feel.
We often recommend the Silver Dragon for those who love Jazz, Classical and other genres where detail is more important.
The JH Audio IEMs that pair great with the Silver Dragon are:
Layla IEM Universal - Layla IEM Custom
Angie IEM Universal - Angie IEM Custom
Rosie IEM Universal
Black Dragon
The Black Dragon IEM cable has a warmer signature over the Silver Dragon.
The Black Dragon provides a great musical presentation and sound stage depth. You will still hear more clarity and instrumentation but with a greater bottom end.
We recommend the Black Dragon to those who prefer Rock & Roll, EDM and other fun, bass heavy music genres.
This does not mean that the Black Dragon will make the bass over-powerful but it will provide you with more control over that bass.
The JH Audio IEMs that pair great with the Black Dragon are:
Roxanne IEM Custom
JH16 Pro IEM Custom
Remember that these are just suggestions. First and foremost you should consider your tastes in music.
You can choose which sound you are looking for by checking out our JH Audio IEM Comparison guide.
Once you choose the IEM that best fits your sound, you can then choose which Dragon will get you to that acoustic sweet spot.