Who doesn't like things "custom"? Custom skincare, a custom paint job, a custom kitchen. Things that are personalized according to our personal preferences can be worth the extra time and money. Audio gear is no exception. When it comes to in-ear monitors (IEMs, also known as earphones), you have the option of having a custom fit for your specific ears and with your specific design preferences.

What Are Custom IEMs?

Much like a custom mouth guard that is designed to fit your palate, custom IEMs are in-ear monitors that have been designed exclusively to fit your unique ear canal shape. They are crafted using ear molds that have been taken by a professional audiologist. CIEMs are designed to provide maximum secure fit and sound isolation. This means you get less ambient noise. Their superior fit makes them ideal for use while exercising or while moving and dancing around the stage during a performance. Custom IEMs are great for many different people. We suggest using CIEMs when working out, cutting the lawn, traveling on planes, trains or subways, or if you just need to cut off from the world and concentrate. And their amazing isolation means that you won't have to turn the volume up as high to overcome outside sound interference. For these reasons, custom IEMs are a big draw for music lovers, audiophiles, and music pros alike.

Moon Audio carries two brands - Empire Ears and JH Audio - that offer custom IEMs. Most Empire Ears IEMs are available as either universal or custom. At this time, all JH Audio IEMs are available as custom only. When you order a custom IEM, you have the option of selecting the shell color, faceplate color, and faceplate design. You can even upload your own custom artwork!

When you have chosen the IEMs you like, go ahead and place your order at moon-audio.com. After that, you will need to obtain your impressions.


  • Amazing noise isolation
  • No slip
  • Incredible comfort
  • Easy to clean
  • No need for ear tips


  • 4-6 week turnaround
  • More involved ordering process
  • Costlier than universal fit IEMs

Custom IEM Ear Impression Guide

After you have placed your order, it's time to obtain your impressions. Please follow this guide to ensure the best possible fit for your custom in-ear monitors or ear plugs. Remember that your ear impressions will dictate the final fit of your custom IEMs.

1. Find an audiologist in your area (Googling audiologist in your city will provide a list). We recommend that you share the guide to the right with your audiologist ahead of your appointment.


  • The IEM manufacturer manufactures a full shell earpiece. They require a full ear impression including the crus of helix, full helix, tragus, and anti-tragus. The impression MUST be taken completely beyond the second bend of the ear canal.
  • The impressions must be made of high-viscosity silicone impression material. The IEM manufacturer prefers Westone 2-Part Vinylpolysiloxane or Green Otoform material. Please contact us if you need confirmation on a specific material. THE IEM MANUFACTURER DOES NOT ACCEPT BLUE IMPRESSION MATERIAL.

*For reference, the IEM manufacturer uses Westone 2-Part Vinylpolysiloxane with a Shore A hardness of 24-30 and a 3-5 minute set-up time.*

  • The IEM manufacturer prefers and recommends that the ear dams are made of foam. It is required that they have an open mouth impression taken. To ensure there is no jaw movement while the material is curing, a bite block MUST be used throughout the entire process. If a bite block is not used, The IEM manufacturer will NOT accept the impressions.

2. Email impression photos to [email protected] for approval. Using the second page of this guide (same as above), take a few similar photos of your impressions with your phone on a solid color surface and background. Please make sure there is adequate light to provide us with the most detail possible. Please include your full name and allow us 24 hours to review your impressions.

3. Get approval from our staff that we have everything we need. DO NOT mail your impressions to Moon Audio until you have received confirmation from our staff that they are approved.

4. Mail your impressions to Moon Audio

After you receive confirmation, it's time to mail your impressions to Moon Audio. Complete this form with your name, order number, email, phone, and address and send it with your impressions to:

Moon Audio
Attn: Impressions
1157 Executive Circle, Suite 101
Cary, NC 27511

5. Now all you have to do is wait! Estimated custom IEM build time varies by manufacturer:

Empire Ears: 4 weeks from the date Empire Ears receives your impressions.

JH Audio: 13-17 days from the date JH Audio receives your impressions.

So just sit back, relax, and know that your perfect IEM fit awaits!