Aurender Music Storage


Understanding Music Storage

If you are new to the high fidelity world, you have probably just learned that there is something better out there than the song files we download from Apple iTunes. High-resolution music is a step up from basic mp3 downloads, keeping more of the original data that was created when the music was recorded. In other words, you get closer to what was originally heard in the studio or the live venue.

High-resolution audio comes in many formats including PCM, WAV, AIFF, and DSD. These uncompressed files give you a more detailed presentation of your music. You should note that not all high-resolution players play the same file types, so you need to make sure you download files your devices will be able to read.

Aurender servers with hard drive storage support DSD (DSF, DFF), WAV, FLAC, ALAC, APE, AIFF, M4A and other major formats at native bit and sampling rates. You can download these types of files from websites like HDtracks.

These uncompressed files generally require approximately 50% more storage than the audio files you would download from iTunes. This is why high-resolution players provide more storage options, often giving you external storage choices as well.

Some Aurender models, namely the W20SE, ACS10, and A30 come with internal storage. The A15, A20, A200, N20, N200, N150, N30SA, and ACS100 feature user-installable storage via a rear panel drawer.

And all Aurender models allow the user to add external USB hard drives or networking storage.

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CDs, while still a higher resolution choice than mp3 formats, are not considered high-resolution files. High-res audio typically starts at 24-bit, with a sampling frequency of 88.2kHz or higher. CDs are only 16-bit, sometimes 20-bit with a sampling rate of 44.1kHz or 48kHz. The typical high res files of 24bit/96kHz will take up three times more storage than a CD. Once you get up to DSD formats your storage space significantly decreases.

That being said, the Aurender products provide more than enough storage options for you to continue your love of music and vast music collection.

Something that makes Aurender unique is they have added an SSD caching drive to their servers. Caching is done from stored files from the main hard drives and for streaming content. This increases stability and improves sound quality of files when using streaming services such as Qobuz or TIDAL. If a selected song or album is already cached to the solid-state drive, the storage drive remains idle. This minimizes the system’s overhead resources, and wear and tear on the hard drive. Additionally, by caching songs to the solid-state drive for playback, electrical and acoustic noise resulting from spinning disks, moving heads, and motors is eliminated. This sets Aurender players ahead of other server mediums.

Customers often ask us if internal storage sounds better than USB storage or a NAS setup. To our ears, it doesn't sound any different. In all three cases including streaming from TIDAL or Qobuz, the actual playback occurs from the solid state cache. So theoretically, there really shouldn't be any difference. However, the system does not scan metadata for USB or NAS attached storage, so the user is limited to browsing by folder. With internally stored media, the system scans it automatically so that the user has the benefit of searching and browsing with full metadata and cover art.