Every story has a beginning. Bricasti has had a long development journey with their M series digital to analog converters. Naturally, the basis for the M3 came out of their design for the M1:
- D/A Converter
- Dual mono signal path
- A truly balanced topology based on dual ADI 1955 converters
- All linear power supplies
- A separate digital signal processing engine taken from the M1
Based on these design elements, the M12 was developed, which was essentially an M1 with the addition of a discreet ladder analog level control. This allowed Bricasti to develop their own native DSD conversion.
Later followed the M21, which was a standalone DAC version of the M12 and included the NDSD conversion from the M12 also with an analog attenuation state to manage the DSD. The M3 was the basis and natural evolution from the M21 and all the technological iterations before it.